Do You Believe in Magic?

I’m all about the magic! I love Crystals, magic potions, law of attraction, manifesting and moon circles...


If you’ve been following me for a while, I think you know.

I believe in magic! There, I said it.

I believe in crystals, manifestation, faeries, unicorns and impossible dreams.

If you’re new to the Jasmine & Juniper community, let me share two of my favorite manifestation tools with you!

I LOVE Essential oil Blends by Desiree Mangandog. I particularly love her “Magic“ blend and it truly is transformative! If you use essential oils, you definitely should order her book I am fabulous. Her books are thoroughly researched and have lots of information on mental & emotional health.

Using essential oils for magical purposes deeply resonates with me. Essential oils are simply pure, potent plant material and what could be more enchanting than the plant kingdom?!

I love using oils on my heart to help me manifest my desires. I love diffusing oils to help my mind expand into abundance.

Nature is here to support our bodies, our minds and YES even our dreams and aspirations!

The other magical tools that I love are crystals. My mother loved crystals and she was very skilled at caring for them and using them. To begin using crystals, let me give you one simple tip. If you have a clear quartz crystal, soak it in a bowl of salt water and then put it out in the sun for a couple of hours! This will clear or “cleanse” the Crystal and it will be ready for you to use.

Now, find yourself in a calm state of mind. You can use essential oils to create a sense of peace mentally by reaching for an oil like doTERRA Sandalwood. Apply a drop fo Sandalwood to your heart and gently rub it in with your hand.

Using a Crystal for Manifestation:

Hold your crystal in your left hand and tap it three times with your right index finger. This will “turn it on”. As you hold the Crystal, think about what you want to manifest. Is it your dream career, with the money to travel the world? Is it a family, or a life partner? Whatever it is, I want you to hold that vision in your mind, truly seeing it playing out in front of you.

This is the work. Now it’s really important to believe, in your mind and in your heart that you already have the thing you desire. This is actually the most crucial part of successful manifestation: To know that you have your desires already!

Having what you desire creates feelings deep within you. Joy? Pride? Contentment? Excitement? Hold those feelings up and examine them. Appreciate them, revel in them. They are larger than life, those feelings! You are now programming that Vibration into the Crystal. And it is “charged” and ready to go for you.

Be sure to turn it off by tapping again three times when you’re not using it. Anytime you want to emanate the vibration of the thing you’re manifesting just turn it on..

What is your favorite tool for manifesting?

PLUS: Want to use the Moon to set intentions, reach goals and deepen your relationships? I have free gifts for you…