My Love Story: How I met my Husband
I believe in destiny.
I know that The Law of Attraction is real, and I believe that the universe is listening.
Why? Because I met my husband.
It all started like this…
I was in my 30’s and I had just ended a 4-year relationship. I have to be honest: I was really frustrated.
Another romance down the drain.
More hopes scattered.
I wondered, when would I meet my love and would I ever get to experience marriage or motherhood?
I felt hopeless so I turned to the work of my favorite Law of Attraction teacher Abraham Hicks. If you’re not familiar with their work, just wait until you experience this magic! Abraham Hicks focuses on mindset work, which was exactly what I needed at that time. In the words of Hicks, “It is not about action… it’s about vibrational alignment.”
I decided to work on becoming aligned with exactly what I wanted!
“Your work is to create the feeling in yourself even before you have the marriage, even before you have the money, even before you have the thing, even before you have the property.”
So, I was disappointed that my relationship had ended. And I could have wallowed in it and become hopeless and down. But I remembered how Hicks once wrote about focusing on the good and not becoming fixated on the bad.
Out came a list of the attributes of my future husband!
I wanted him to be kind.
I wanted him to me loyal, honest and real.
I envisioned him as someone who is dedicated to personal development and wellness.
I wanted some motivated, driven and goal-oriented. Someone with a car, a job and dreams.
I had no idea that this EXACT man would come into my life just two weeks later!
But that is the true magic of telling the universe for exactly what you want.
A couple weeks later, I was down in Arcata California for a business potluck. It was a doTERRA event and I was both teaching and networking. I was also excited to see some Californian friends I had not seen in a while, and showed up to the potluck with my oils and a salad to share.
We began by convening in a circle and sharing what we were grateful for. I passed around two of my favorite essential oils for gratitude: Geranium and Frankincense. People spoke their gratitude out loud.
And there he was.
Gabe was sitting across the circle from me and I thought he was really cute.
The event went on and I caught up with my friends, but admittedly I kept checking for him in the corner of my eye. Finally, I walked up to him and introduced myself. Hilariously, it turned out that he wasn’t in doTERRA…he was invited by accident! His friend who was there thought it was a social gathering and invited him, not realizing that it was a business-focused potluck.
We laughed about the fact that he was accidentally at a business potluck and I asked him for his own business card, which he did not have. I was trying to keep it cool and not actually ask for his number outright, which didn’t really work.
So after the potluck I was kicking myself a little. I couldn’t look him up because I didn’t even know this man’s last name! Gabe…what?
I went home, took a hot shower and got ready for bed. I opened Facebook and THERE HE WAS.
Right there, at the top of my Facebook feed, was Gabe. He had been tagged in my friend’s post!
So, I did it: I instantly sent him a friend request on Facebook and sent him a message asking him for coffee the following morning. I figured, why not?
I wanted to hear about his business, of course, but I was curious about him.
So, we met up.
We sat in a coffee shop and he told me about his passion for cooking and baking. He even bought me a cookie (Raspberry thumbprint cookie with chocolate drizzle - Gabe is the ultimate cookie connoisseur)!
Gabe told me how he wanted to change the world through the power of music. I happened to have a background in the music industry! Gabe was an emerging musician and I gave him some advice about his music career.
We talked about helping people, and about our dreams for the future.
He even told me how much he loved the smell of the essential oils on his sweater, days later.
Neither of us knew if it was a date or not.
He even asked him why I invited him for coffee and I said something incredibly cryptic like “I just like to connect with interesting people.”
I didn’t declare my intentions with Gabe immediately, and neither did he. I liked his energy and I was curious about him!
Going forward, we talked on the phone.
I started going down to Arcata every month because I had a growing doTERRA team down there and we would hang out.
It sometimes surprises people, how casual and relaxed our beginning was. I stayed with him when I went down there. We laughed, we talked, we connected and yet we both weren’t fully ready. Gabe was aspiring to be a musician while I had just gotten out of a long-term relationship. We didn’t have huge expectations and grand ideas. We didn’t make demands of one another.
Slowly, we fell in love.
Over time, our connection deepened and our chemistry grew. Our relationship became more and more real.
We officially began dating on February 14th, 2014.
Gabe moved in with me during the Summer of 2014.
At the end of 2015, he proposed to me while we were at the Abraham Hicks conference and I totally didn’t see it coming!
We had a beautiful daughter, Emma Rose.
In June 202o during the pandemic, we had our 2nd baby girl Olivia June.
Love stories are real!
Gabe and I often reflect back on this time and realize that because neither of us put pressure on one another to be in a serious relationship right away, we were really honest with each other and we got to know each other without any expectations.
When we made our relationship more official, I was stunned by how many amazing qualities Gabe has that I had written down. I knew what I wanted, but I did not force it.
I let go of the outcome and trusted that because I asked for something, it would come to me when it was meant to.
I still believe that.
We got to know each other without any agenda or attachment. That was a beautiful way to start a relationship, and I believe that it is the reason our connection is so deep today.
So, if you’re looking for love, I suggest that you…
Figure out exactly what you want, with as much detail as possible.
Ask for it.
Let go of the outcome and TRUST in the Law of Attraction.
Destiny will find a way.
If you’re looking for guidance on how to set intentions that actually work, click here! I created an outline to help you understand effective intention-setting.
I can’t wait to hear your Love Story too! Dm me on Instagram @jasmineandjuniperliving and tell me how you found love. I love hearing it!
PLUS: I made you a free “Oils for Intimacy” guide!
These blends are the spice you need right now, trust me!