Happiness can be Deceiving.


Just because someone seems happy does not mean that they are.

I’ve spent much of my life happy on the outside and destroyed on the inside.

No one knew.

It is only through years of counseling, working to understand my nutrition, good supplements, essential oils, a strong and supportive community, yoga, meditation, personal development, and lots and lots and lots of prayer that I find myself really truly happy today. But if I let one of those things go , it’s a slippery slope back to darkness.

I was reminded recently that each person I come in contact with is fighting their own personal battle that I know nothing about. We are all struggling and we are all trying not to show it. Especially new moms! Postpartum times can be really hard and so few of us are talking about it!

Kindness, care, friendship and connection could make all the difference in a person’s life.

Let’s all reach out to our friends today, share a kind word with a stranger and mostly just silently recognize that a smile on the outside may not be a true reflection of the inside. Especially a new mama in your social circle. It’s really hard to describe how incredibly lonely postpartum can feel. Show her she is not alone. Invite her to tea or ask if you can drop by with a care package.

See someone on social media who might be struggling? Here are some ideas for how to reach out to someone and make a connection…


  • “I saw your photo of your new baby on Facebook! Congratulations! I was wondering if you want some (bone broth or a jar of tea)? I would be happy to drop off something nice for you” :)

  • “I love all of your posts recently! It struck me that we have never had coffee before and I would love to grab a cup if you’re free soon.”

  • “Hey, I’m going to (The Farmer’s Market) today! It occurred to me to ask you to come with me! I would love your company if you’re free."

If your intuition is telling you that someone is suffering and needs support, your intuition is probably spot on. Trust that voice inside that tells you to reach out to her!

You could be creating a lifelong friendship and you could be the person who reminds her that she is not alone.

PLUS: Click below to receive a beautiful affirmation from me…