My Husband had Drastic Mood Swings.


Awww, look at us. The happy couple.

To look at a smiling, joyous photo of my husband and I, you may think that our relationship has been perfect the entire time we have been together. But no one is perfect! As a couple, we have weathered many storms that have brought us closer together. We have evolved together, changed and grown as individuals.

But once upon a time, before we got married and started our family, my husband’s mental health struggles threatened to tear us apart.

This was 5 years ago. My husband Gabe and I had just started living together and neither of us realized how drastic Gabe’s mood swings really were. He would spend one week “up”, being his happy upbeat self, working out, eating healthy food and thriving. I loved this version of him! But the next week, for no reason I could see at the time, he would go “down”. Then came a week on the couch eating fast food, watching bad TV. I was scared and he was out to sea. If you have ever lived with this kind of emotional pain you know what I’m talking about! It was so hard to watch and practically impossible to live with. It was mystifying to me and I felt powerless to stop it.

Fortunately, Gabe was raised by a natural mama who loves holistic solutions. I know people who are in some version of this cycle for most of their lives, up and down and unpredictable in mood and reactions. But the reason we are married and happy today - and I kid you not - is because Gabe made the decision to break this cycle and make some significant changes.

He decided one day to explore natural solutions for his mood swings and by combining essential oils, nutrition, whole-food supplements, daily workouts, therapy, Yoga, personal growth and lots of love, he has lifted himself from that fog. 

Okay, so that sounds like a lot. The truth is, Gabe jumped in and began implementing small daily changes like 30 minutes of exercise and using oils in his water, and he started seeing changes. He added a couple little things at a time until he transitioned from couch potato to wellness warrior. And I am SO proud of him!

I’m proud to be married to this amazing man and his passion to help others change their lives inspires me daily. He truly has taken his journey and turned it into his message. Gabe now joins me in my doTERRA essential oils business and helps men (and women) openly discuss their mental health struggles. He loves recommending essential oil and supplement protocols to help people break harmful cycles.

You can read Gabe’s mental wellness protocols here.

If you feel frustrated with your up-and-down mood swings and feel out of control, don’t give up! Check out Gabe’s suggestions and begin implementing small daily changes that add up to massive transformation. You can do this.

PLUS: Want Daily Habits that will actually change your life?

Watch my free Glow Up webinar for the tools to change your habits and start feeling better naturally…