Trust your Intuition, Mama.


 As a parent you are faced with so many decisions. Some of these choices are small, but a lot of them are REALLY big and affect the rest of your child's life.

That’s where your intuition comes in.

When I first got pregnant with my first baby Emma Rose, my husband really wanted us to have a homebirth and I wasn't sure about it.

I was a concerned about my age and health history and honestly a bit afraid of the pain. Luckily I have a life partner who would never assert his will upon me and he gave me all the space I needed to make the decision that was right for me…considering it was my body. Thank God for Gabe!

I worked past my fears and worries and opened my heart to answers. At some point, it became crystal clear: I actually really wanted a homebirth.

Deciding whether or not to have a homebirth was just one of many choices I had to make as a new mom, though…

Throughout my pregnancy there were decisions I need to make about my health and my baby’s health. I had to choose what to eat, what supplements to take, what birthworkers I wanted to work with (among other things).

On top of normal pregnancy decisions like these, Emma Rose did not come on her due date. In fact at some point it became a late-term pregnancy and I had to make another big decision about whether to be induced or not.

AND the decision-making did not stop after Emma Rose arrived, 3 weeks after she was due. Surprise!

During her infant weeks and toddler years, I was faced with many choices about feeding her certain foods, how to parent her, and how to introduce her to the world.

And then the pandemic hit and the decisions became even bigger and carried a much higher risk!

The world was shifting rapidly before my eyes and I had a 3-year-old who suddenly could not safely go to her dance classes or see her friends. I suddenly had no childcare provider. And guess what?! I was pregnant again with our daughter Olivia June!

I gave birth to Olivia during the covid pandemic. The decisions were serious and I was so glad I learned from my first pregnancy and from the powerful, intuitive women in my life.

By the time I had my daughter Olivia, my mama’s intuition was a finely tuned instrument. I use it every day and it has never failed me.

I am so grateful to my mom Rose because she instilled in me a deep trust of my own intuition and she taught me to access my inner voice so that I can always trust my gut. My mother was my intuitive teacher and she reminded me that when something feels right, it’s like an arrow pointing to what is true.

So my advice to you is this:

Decisions seem complicated, but they don’t actually have to be.

With a finely tuned intuition and a gut instinct you can trust, you can make decisions that feel right for you and your family.

Here are my 3 tips to activate your Intuition:

#1: Practice meditation.

You don't have to do a 2-hour long silent meditation to get to a place where you can hear your own voice.

Begin with 5 minutes each day of sitting with your eyes closed comfortably. Allow your shoulders to relax and unclench your jaw. Allow your thoughts to roll down the back of your mind like a waterfall. Eventually you'll become comfortable noticing the difference between your thoughts and your inner knowing. Your thoughts will begin to fade into the background and your knowing will come to the forefront, as if it was peacefully waiting for you to summon it the entire time.

Having trouble meditating? I recommend my friend Meditation Instructor Nikki Dean.


#2: Anoint yourself.

Anoint your third eye (the middle of your forehead above the bridge of your nose) with a drop of Frankincense, Sandalwood or Clary Sage daily.

These 3 oils have been considered sacred and spiritual essential oils for thousands of years. As part of the plant kingdom, they can help provide us with a connection to what is bigger than ourselves. Using sacred oils on your third eye can help you feel connected to the divine, to the earth, to the plant kingdom and to other people around you, cultivating a deep sense of empathy and knowing. I believe that as humans we are part of the plant world and we can use essential oils and herbs to summon our inner voice.

To purchase doTERRA Frankincense, Clary Sage or Sandalwood at wholesale prices, Click Here and add/subtract oils from your cart. Email me at for support if you have questions!

#3: Give it space.

Nothing good can be forced! The same goes for your intuition.

So…give it space! Take a breath, let it go, and forget about it for a while. The truth is, your inner voice is already within you RIGHT NOW! You don’t need to struggle to connect…you need to stop struggling and tune in.

Trust that the answer will come when the time is right.

I often get answers to life’s important questions when i least expect it - in the shower, on a walk or while dreaming. If I try to force it, it never works.

Trust yourself. Tune in. And know that the answers you need are within you right at this very moment!

Want to learn how to use Aromatherapy for pregnancy and beyond?

Arin Fugate