The First Year: Using Essential Oils for Babies


I'm seven months postpartum with my second baby and essential oils are part of our daily routine! I have been using doTERRA essential oils for over a decade now and I used oils for both of my births and while breastfeeding.

I thought would be fun to share my top 10 oils with you, how I use them with my baby and why

#1: Copaiba

Copaiba had to be first on this list. Hands-down, Copaiba wins. This oil is extremely gentle so it's great for babies’ delicate skin. Copaiba is a really unique! It’s a natural CBD alternative that has zero psychoactive effects, making it safe and effective to use with babies, children and even pets. I use it for myself and I definitely use it for my infant daughter.

Skin Issues…

I highly recommend using Copaiba essential oil for diaper rash. Just massage Copaiba into the affected area during every diaper change! Because Copaiba is such a mild but helpful skin oil, I also use it on little cuts and abrasions.


Parents know that teething is a tricky time! It’s so hard watching them cry when their little teeth are coming in! I am often asked for my teething solutions and I recommend Copaiba because it doesn't have much of a taste - so I can massage a little bit directly into her gums with my finger. Copaiba is also supportive for the immune system. If you have any concern of your little one catching a bug, apply a bit of Copaiba to their spine and feet daily.

Mama’s postpartum support…

While I LOVE talking about oils for babies, I am also deeply passionate about supporting moms. Postpartum is a time of vulnerability and change. We need oil support too! I think Copaiba essential oil is an important one to have in your postpartum kit. You can take a few drops under your tongue a few times a day to help with anxious feelings and as a side benefit, it will help increase your milk production! Lastly if you have those unfortunate post-birth hemorrhoids, you can apply Copaiba directly to the affected area.

#2: DigestZen Touch

For digestive discomfort…

I use Digestzen Touch every day. DigestZen is a blend for digestive support created by doTERRA with oils like Peppermint, Ginger, Fennel and Coriander. The Touch version is in a rollerbottle, diluted with fractionated coconut oil for babies and people with sensitive skin.

Often when a baby is getting used to digesting mother’s milk and dealing with the gases that can happen in the gut, they get digestive discomfort. Roll a little bit of this oil on the bottom of baby’s feet and belly whenever that is an issue you will see quick relief.

There is actually a wonderful video showing the fast-acting relief Here. I LOVE my natural tools!


#3: Serenity blend

For relaxation and calm…

I use doTERRA Serenity blend in my essential oil diffuser constantly. I honestly don’t think moms can have too much Serenity!

This oil has saved my sanity countless times! I love it. I diffused it during both of my homebirths. After both of my babies were born, I found that my adrenaline was running high and it was really hard for me to relax and bond after all the action of birthing was over. Can you relate?!

My 2 homebirths could not have been more different. While my older daughter Emma took a while and required every reserve of strength I had physically, my second little girl Olivia came so quickly that daddy had to catch her before our midwife even arrived! It was pretty action-packed. After the energy and strength of birthing, the entire family could use something to calm the nervous system and bring everyone back down to earth together. I love to put this gentle relaxing oil blend in the diffuser to help both mom and baby decompress.

When baby gets a little older and you start giving them baths, this is a nice one to add to the bathtub. A couple drops in bathwater sets a tone of relaxation and grounded energy which helps baby and mama sleep! When adding oils to the bath use a carrier oil such as fractionated coconut oil or almond oil. This is a great way to help mix the oils into water. Otherwise it will just stick to the sides of the tub and float to the top of the water!

#4: Roman Chamomile

For digestive issues…

Sometimes baby’s digestive issues are a little more intense than normal mild discomfort. That's when I reach for Roman Chamomile essential oil. I put a little bit in coconut oil and massage this into baby’s belly and it helps to ease cramping and bloating. Combining an essential oil with a “carrier oil” like coconut oil, almond oil or jojoba oil is called “dilution”. A good rule of thumb for diluting essential oils with babies is 1-2 drops of essential oil per 1 tbsp carrier oil.

Roman Chamomile is very potent and effective so just 1 drop diluted with coconut oil is plenty!

You can also use this oil in the diffuser or on the belly before bed for a relaxing effect and for mild skin irritations like diaper rash.

#5: Myrrh

For serious skin support…

After baby is born, Myrrh can be used directly to help heal the umbilical chord. Just massage 1 drop of Myrrh onto the umbilical area each time you start to see a little blood and it will help to dry it out and seal the wound. Myrrh has serious regenerative properties!

Got stretch marks? No problem. Combine Myrrh and Frankincense and massage into your stretched-skin areas for a tightening, nourishing, nurturing, and soothing result. I use Myrrh for my stretch marks and I also love it for my facial care routine. Mama are you ready for a little postpartum self-care? Click here to read about my favorite homemade Hydrating Turmeric Honey Myrrh mask.

*While Myrrh is the perfect post-baby oil, avoid it during pregnancy.

#6: Balance blend

For Balanced emotions…

This blend is a staple in our home for all stages of life. But I do love it for babies because it's diluted, gentle and multi-purpose. I like to apply 1-2 drops to the bottom of my baby girl’s feet for balanced and grounded emotions. But I can also use it for diaper rash because the oils in this blend are skin-supportive!

Moms love Balance blend. Postpartum time is a whirlwind of vulnerable emotions, from joy to anger and elation to frustration. If you are struggling with negative and fear-based emotions during postpartum (or any time), anger this is a great oil for you to work with. Begin by pouring 3-4 drops into your palm, rubbing your hands together and deeply inhaling. Then massage the rest into the soles of your feet.

#7: Rose Touch

For immune support…

Rose proves that an essential oil can be both gentle and extremely powerful!

Rose is more than a beautiful aroma. It is an immune support powerhouse! As soon as both of my girls were born I diluted a drop of Rose and applied it to the bottoms of their feet. Whenever I feel like my baby might be fighting something, I roll some diluted Rose down her spine a few times per day.

For skincare…

Rose is also a beautiful skincare oil. You can apply Rose to minor rashes and skin abrasions! I love to combine Rose with Copaiba and Chamomile for my daughter’s little skin breakouts.

For Hormonal health…

After having a baby, your hormones will go through a transition period. This is absolutely normal! It is so import during this time to be gentle with yourself physically but also mentally and emotionally (I wrote an entire article Here with my favorite Postpartum Affirmations). Rose, among other oils like Clary Sage and Geranium, can help bring hormones into a healthy balance post-baby.

*While Rose is the perfect post-baby oil, avoid it during pregnancy.

#8: Frankincense


Frankincense is the King of Oils, and you cannot have too much frankincense n your life post-baby.

After both my girls were born, I anointed the crowns of their heads with a drop of Frankincense oil.

Frankincense supports a healthy immune response, healthy cellular growth and healthy brain function.

I also incorporated Frankincense into my routine for myself during postpartum! I added Frankincense and Myrrh together to massage into my stretch marks daily, plus I put a drop of Frank under my tongue when I’m feeling anxious or have brain fog. It is a must-have in every family’s cabinet! This is absolutely essential.

#9: Tea Tree Touch

Like DigestZen Touch, this oil comes in a convenient roller for easy use for children! Tea Tree touch is perfectly formulated for babies. It’s a great skincare oil for areas of redness or uneven skin texture and tone.

For runny nose…

When baby gets their first runny nose, gently roll Tea Tree touch plus a drop of Lemon oil to the bottoms of their feet 2-3x daily!

#10: Lemon

For a runny nose…

When my older daughter got her first runny nose, I was so out of sorts! I was worried constantly and wanted it to pass quickly.

I got a nose Frida (and I recommend that you get one too! Not an affiliate link - Click here). The Nose Frida will help you and your partner pull any snot out of their nose and clear their airways. Then once their airways are clear, massage Lemon and Tea Tree Touch into the bottoms of their feet and all down their spine.

Get these oils at Wholesale cost:

Click below to get these oils and a free doTERRA membership. This collection is a fantastic way to begin your oil journey and includes a free consult with me where I’ll be able to teach you how to use your new wellness tools.

I link to each oil individually within this post, but I recommend that you begin as a Wholesale Member because you will receive your essential oils at 25% off. This is the best way to get a discount and ongoing support using your oils!

PLUS: Attend my Essential OIls for Pregnancy and Beyond Masterclass!

MotherhoodArin Fugate