Why Network Marketing is AWESOME


“Network marketing is so awesome.” 

I had this exact thought the other day when I was listening to a podcast featuring an interview with a famous entrepreneur whose words struck a chord with me.

He declared: “I have decided to sell my business so I can stay home with my kid more…” and it popped into my head: Network marketing is awesome. Because you don’t have to quit to spend time with your family. 

I didn’t always know this.

In 2007, I found myself immersed in the LA party scene but in my heart I knew I was meant for more. Much more.

I was depressed, I felt lost and I was falling deeper and deeper into the trap of self-medication with drugs and alcohol and superficial relationships. I spent every night at dance clubs and house parties and every single morning nursing a mean hangover. I was broke and I always avoided planning for the future.

But despite this, I was an entrepreneur always. I was part of the gig economy long before anyone coined that term! In the mid-aughts I was working in the music industry. My jobs were interesting and challenging. I even started my own booking agency and began making a good income managing musicians! And while in some ways that felt successful, I did not feel fulfilled the way I knew I could be.  What I truly wanted was to become a mother one day.

My life vision was to be a mom, but I also envisioned that I wanted to make good money at a job that gave me the kind of time freedom that allowed me to care for my family and fully enjoy life. I finally told myself, “I have mad skills. And I know I could be successful at anything I put my mind to.”  And then I took a major leap of faith and chose network marketing because of the FREEDOM it promised me!

“Entrepreneurship is living a few years of your life like most people won’t, so that you can spend the rest of your life like most people can’t.” 
— Anonymous

At the time I was single with no children, and I was broke and desperate. So I jumped in head first and I lived the reality of that quote! I worked REALLY hard for a few years and now I am reaping the rewards big time. Network marketing helped me change my life and I am so proud that my team is made up of inspiring who overcame struggle to know financial, mental, and emotional freedom.

What is Network Marketing?

Network marketing is the opportunity to share a product you are passionate about and build a team of inspired individuals that share that same passion. You are paid not only on your own sales but you are also paid on the sales of your team’s sales efforts. What starts out as pennies can become hundreds of thousands of dollars over time.

Networking Marketing is NOT a get-rich-quick program or a scheme. Great Network Marketing is based on a product (which has to be really really good, like doTERRA) and a shared purpose (ethical sourcing, improving lives, caring for the environment, and healing people).

Curious about doTERRA as a business opportunity? Click here to grab the live business training webinar! 

What are the markers of a great Network Marketing company? Know what to look for…

The best part of network marketing is the time FREEDOM you get by partnering with a company you love.

Elements of FREEDOM:

  • In the case of the best and most successful network marketing companies, they do ALL the shipping! That’s right- no braving the post office constantly to ship out product. No paying shipping fees. No worries about returns or damaged products. The company you partner with should handle ALL of this!

  • No retail taxes to pay. The company pays the retail tax.

  • Tax deductions! Save your receipts and speak with your tax advisor! The tax deductions are EPIC in network marketing.

  • No employees to pay but you have a whole team behind you! Customer service representatives are available to you and your customers and your team. Just call or chat with your company for FREE. Most companies even give you a special account rep when you hit leadership positions. And since the company has their own marketing departments, sales specialists, accountants and lawyers, you are backed by a full corporate staff and they pay you (instead of the other way around).

  • Special Incentives for you and your sales team. We’re talking about trips, contests, bonuses and more. You do not pay for any of this out of pocket!

  • Residual pay. IF you choose the right company with a good product that your customers can’t live without, you have years of residual income waiting for you. Think about an ethical and reputable company that sells sustainable skincare, nontoxic cleaning products, toothpaste, products that solve problems… then your customer will be retained forever and will be fiercely loyal to you and the brand! And when they keep buying over time you keep earning awesome commissions. Spend a few years building a loyal customer base, train and nurture a few inspired sales reps and you’ll have a monthly income that will allow you the FREEDOM you desire to live your live, play with your kids, work on your passion project and travel the world.

  • You’ll create your legacy. Your business and income can be put in a trust and passed on to your children. Talk about a great gift!  Happy Birthday forever to my daughters Emma and Olivia! You now have residual income, girlfriends!

Do your research and choose the right fit!

Ready to jump into a Network Marketing company? Look for these attributes because not all companies are created equal.

  1. You gotta LOVE the product. I mean love like you can’t live without this product and you would buy it even if the company did not pay you a single dime.

  2. Look at the compensation plan. You want something fair, sustainable and exciting.

  3. Research the owners. Look at their history in business. Are they debt-free? Are they independent or is the company publicly-traded? I prefer an independent company so I am sure quality will never be compromised for financial gain.

  4. Although it can be fun, exciting and lucrative to join a new company, it is just as fun, lucrative and exciting to join a proven company. If you are building a legacy, make sure the company plans to be around for a long time.

  5. Consider the culture. Who are the people that make up the field?  Do you share common values? Are they people you would want to be friends with? This is super important because they are going to be your forever-coworkers and they will be your biggest allies and most beloved friends.

PLUS: Curious about starting your own doTERRA business? Click below to watch my free doTERRA Biz 101 Class…

Arin Fugate