The Secret to Setting Intentions that actually WORK


Did you know that your subconscious mind does the most amazing thing?

It works hard to keep you safe.

The subconscious mind is working overtime to protect you! It keeps you from getting hurt physically, with hunter-gatherer instincts left with us from our distant ancestors. It also helps you stay safe from emotional and mental traumas, by guiding your decision-making and recognizing harmful patterns. But there’s a catch.

Our subconscious sometimes recognizes great, exciting things as threats to our safety.

It sees us taking risks and it says NOPE.

See, our subconscious brain defines safety as “staying the same and not taking risks”. PLUS if you have experienced trauma in your life then your Amygdala comes in and adds more protection. Again, this is often a wonderful thing. Thank you, brains, for all that you do for us!

But let’s face it, visionary. This lack of risky thinking is a serious problem if you want to be a daring leader who has huge dreams and massive goals. Many of us set out to start a business, reach an ambitious goal or just generally do something out of the ordinary and we fail to have a conversation with our brain first. We get excited by our dreams. We forget to talk to our subconscious mind that is working to keep us risk-free… and there is a clash! So our own subconscious mind goes to work to quickly sabotage our success because it is simply too risky to change things up. In the book “The Big Leap”, Gay Hendricks refers to this phenomenon as “Upper-Limiting.” We are upper-limiting when we self-sabotage.

People like you and I start something new and suddenly…

The business fails.

That New Year’s resolution doesn’t stick.

We sabotage the promotion we had worked so hard for.

Our relationship doesn’t work out.

In the wake of this supposed “failure”, we’re left scratching our head and say something like “why do bad things ALWAYS happen to me?” Well guess what?! Bad things are not always happening to you… you just have a  subconscious mind and an amygdala and they are here to keep you safe. That is their full-time job! And if you want to reach past these limitations and create the life of your dreams you need to take the time to work with your subconscious.

Since it was just the New Year, I hear a lot about setting intentions. I want to lead you in an exercise to set intentions that you will actually reach because you’ll be partnering with your own subconscious brain to make it happen for real!

The tools I am giving you here are perfect for your 2021 New Year Intentions.

Step 1: Don’t run from your Limiting Beliefs. Re-train your brain!

When setting intentions it is important to pay attention to limiting beliefs that come up in your mind. Sometimes this sounds like “who do you think you are? You can’t do that!” or maybe it sounds like “You are going to fail again!” When you hear these thoughts in your mind it is time to take a moment and explore those thoughts more deeply. Do not run away from them.

Ask yourself for real…What do they really mean? Usually, they are simply your subconscious saying “That is not safe! You will change things in your life and right now you are alive so don’t change anything!”

Ask yourself, why am I so worried about this? Why does this keep coming up for me?

Once you identify your limiting beliefs, this is where essential oils can come into your intention-setting practice and you can rewrite that belief by using an essential oil combined with a positive affirmation.

These are the exact quotes and oils I used to go from living on government assistance to being a six-figure earner. I recovered from addiction and became passionate about health and wellness. I even stopped going from one failed relationship to another and finally found my soulmate.

Speak these affirmations out loud while using these essential oils…

“ I am safe.” 

Apply 1-2 drops of doTERRA Whisper blend to your heart.

"I'm getting better and better…every day in every way.”

Apply 2 drops of doTERRA Wild Orange and 1 drop Frankincense on your wrist and rub your wrists together.

“I am worthy and deserving.”

Pour 2-3 drops of Bergamot oil into your palm and massage into your belly. If you have sensitive skin, combine 2 drops Bergamot with 1 teaspoon coconut oil and use that!

"Things are always working out for me!”

Pour 1 single drop of Spearmint into your palm. Rub your hands together and take several deep inhales.

“ I have what it takes. I am wise, compassionate, and resilient.”

Pour 3-4 drops of doTERRA Balance blend into your palm. Rub hands together and take a deep inhale. Massage the oil from your hands into the soles of your feet to help you remain grounded and balanced emotionally.

Any time a limiting belief comes up, grab an oil and say an affirmation. You are literally reprogramming your subconscious mind to work for you instead of against you! Now let’s talk setting intentions…

Step 2: Get Clear, and write it down.

It’s time to get clear, visionary leader! What do you actually want? It’s okay to say it. Is it an increase in your income, or a number of new clients? I want you to be as specific as possible.

It is not enough to say “I’d like to be making more money!”
I want you to choose an income goal.

It is not quite enough to just vaguely state, “I’d love to have more clients!”
Think of a number of new clients you’d like to actually work with, that is an actionable goal.

Here’s an example: Say you want to increase your income within the next few months. More specifically, let’s say that you would really like to make an additional $5,000 in 90 days.

Write it down.

Our reticular activating system helps us make connections and see opportunities in our lives. But it doesn’t know where to focus unless we put it on a specific task. Ever wonder why, when you are car shopping, you suddenly start seeing the car you have been thinking about getting EVERYWHERE? That is the reticular activating system of the brain working for you!

To consciously ask your brain to work on this problem with you, write down your intention like this: “Why is my income is (insert amount) or more on or before (insert date)?”

By asking your brain a question, our mind is queued to solve the problem (and it loves solving problems). You will literally start seeing solutions and evidence for your intention everywhere!

It’s like magic.

You’ll begin to see opportunities for expansion everywhere you turn.

Step 3: Connect with your goals emotionally.

Identify the feeling you think you will have when you reach your goal.

Increasing your income within in 90 days might make you feel free from worry and stress. So once you identify that feeling, it is time for you to figure out a way to feel those feelings right now!

What makes you feel free? Dancing? Time in nature? Whatever it is, do it! And use an oil to anchor the feeling in your body so you can conjure that feeling anytime. It really doesn’t matter which oil you use as long as the aroma reminds you of the feeling. For example, Wild Orange makes me feel generous and abundant financially. So I use Wild Orange on my heart and in my essential oil diffuser whenever I am feeling limited.

Also, it’s really important to feel grateful right now. If you can, emotionally project yourself into the future. What do you feel like, since you made $5,000 in these last 90 days? Even if you have not started yet, I want you to feel the gratitude for this coming increase to your income. Journal about that gratitude.

If that is too hard for you then try this: Every day, spend a few moments doing a small gratitude practice. What are you grateful for in your life right now? Write it down. It could be your home, your relationships. Your health. Your own resilience.

(Extra) Step 4: Use the New Moon

One last tip to make this process extra powerful: Set your intentions on the New Moon. This might be new to you…but I am telling you from personal experience, it works! I designed 12 New Moon oil Blends for you to use with this practice.

Click below to receive free Moon Magic gifts and essential oil blends from me…

Arin Fugate