Why Home-Based Business is the Future


I always knew I wanted to be a business owner.

It never made sense to me to work for someone else! Why work 5 ways a week, 9-5 at $15 an hour trading time for money...making someone else’s dream come true?

Even when I worked a “regular” job, I was constantly looking for ways to make my own dreams come true instead. I felt called towards a higher purpose and a life of freedom, and every time I clocked in something inside me yearned for more. I have always wanted to make a positive impact on the world and I just never felt like I was doing that in my various jobs.

Plus, the idea of working 40 years so I could retire at $5,000 a month not only lacked inspiration for me but also just would not work in my situation… because I had not chosen a career path set up for that trajectory. I had no college degree and I was 33 years old when I decided to change careers. And I know I’m not the only one!

In my 30’s, I also realized that some of my wildest dreams are not compatible with working for somebody else. Who can relate?!

I wanted to be a mom and I did not want to be away from my kids 40 hours a week.

I didn’t want to leave someone else in charge of my kids while I worked.

I wanted to change lives, not be a cog in a machine. I loved teaching and empowering others.

I wanted to take risks and make big decisions.

I wanted to MAKE things!

Before I found my online business structure I was searching for a way to accomplish all of the above. When doTERRA crossed my path it hit all the markers. My heart knew it had found it: My destiny.

Have you been curious about creating a home based business?

I am so happy that I listened to my inner knowing and found a networking marketing company to partner with. It has been the most meaningful gift I could have given my family and myself.

In this blog post and I am going to share the benefits of a home based business within the network marketing profession and 3 tips on how to choose the best company to partner with.

I’ll also be sharing 3 common pitfalls to watch out for.

Why I LOVE my home-based business:

#1: I choose my own hours.

It’s 3 pm on Tuesday and I get to take my 3 year old to dance class. Love it!
It’s 12pm on a Thursday and my husband and I decide to go on a last-minute date to spend some quality time together!
It is Saturday and I am feeling inspired, so I write a big post.
I just had a baby and I took 3 months off.
These are all things I have done. Each time, I said guess what? I can do what I want because I’m free.
AND I still got paid even though I did not “show up for work” on those days.

#2: I stopped trading hours for dollars

It didn’t feel empowering.

Sure, it’s what we’re used to: We trade hours for dollars, we trade time for money. But in the long run, what are we truly accomplishing? Instead, I wanted to put in work up front so that I could create a life of freedom: Freedom to spend quality time with my husband and daughters, freedom to create and make decisions, and freedom to teach and empower on my own schedule.

I didn’t see the benefit of living for the weekend. I now spend every day doing what I actually love!

#3: I am Part of a Community

When you work from home, you get to choose your “coworkers” and you get to authentically create community for your customers. Working from home allowed me to create the kinds of communities I wish had existed for me! I have the freedom to create communities - in person and online - of likeminded individuals from every corner of the globe who are passionate about the same things I am.

Community can drive - and be driven by - your purpose. When you know your “Why”, you know what sort of community you want to create. Nothing can hold you back from connecting with others when you work from home!

#4: There was NO inventory needed

In my company, we do not need to purchase and maintain an inventory of products to get started. That was VERY important to me!

When I began building my doTERRA business, I was broke and living out of my car. I had big dreams but a small budget. So it appealed to me that I did not have to purchase an inventory or insure products to start a business! Anyone who has ever started a brick-and-mortar business will tell you: It’s expensive to get started. Sometimes it takes a few years to make a profit. But fortunately, that is not the case for a great home-based business. Your overhead is low (or nonexistent) and you get to make money faster!

#5: I built a team and created Residual income

YOU can only sell so much product by yourself! You are 1 person! But you can build a team and work the business together, earning a percentage off the efforts of hundreds or thousands of people…which builds REAL wealth.

Residual income is a type of money you can make whether or not you are actively working for it.

For example, if you worked a doTERRA business and built a team, and then you find out you are expecting a baby, you can expect your checks to still arrive in your bank account during your birth and your maternity leave. I can tell you from experience that this is lifechanging.

Or, say you want to see the world! You want to travel. You decide to spend a month backpacking Europe…and you still get paid the whole time.

Sounds magical, right? Well, residual income is very real and totally possible.

#6: I got to work on my Personal Development

Starting a home-based business challenged me in ways I didn’t expect…making me a better person.

I have developed so much as an individual in network marketing, learning to work with others, understand the beautiful strengths that make up different people, and empower others. All of these skills required me to GROW!

Since I started my home-based business I read more, get curious, ask questions, take risks, experiment, teach and learn every single day. Self-improvement is a lifestyle, and nothing will make you more interesting and interested than becoming an entrepreneur!

So you might be thinking, this sounds fantastic. How do I get started? The answer is simple: Choose a company! Here is a guide to help you decide…

How to choose a Network Marketing company:

#1: Make sure that they sell Consumable products that work!

You have to LOVE the product to teach others to love the product. Take time and think about this: What do you love? What products have changed your life? For me, it was essential oils.But more importantly, it is a Wellness Company that sells ethically-made things that people love and need.

For longevity, it is important that the products are not occasional luxuries but something people need to use every day to improve their lifestyle. A Network Marketing company that sells a product to someone only once or twice a year is not a sustainable or highly consumable.

#2: Think about Longevity.

Where will this company be in 10 years?

Make sure you choose something that is forward-thinking and will last a long time, serving peoples’ needs for years to come.

Because of this, it’s important to choose something that reflects where society is moving: In the direction of sustainability, ethically-produced goods, diversity and the value of human relationships. Do they sell something that people will always want and need? Are they adaptable to changing times? These are important things to consider when choosing a home-based business.

#3: Choose a company whose values align with yours.

Values and ethics are super important. Do some research and make sure that the company is ethical and aligns with what you believe! If your “Why” is all about teaching people how to live a nontoxic lifestyle, ensure that the company has ethical and transparent ingredients. Do your research into their business practices and how they treat people.

#4: Choose a completely Debt-free company

Whether finance is your forte or not, make absolutely sure that the company you want to work with is debt-free. A debt-free company has longevity and will last into the future, making your residual income more certain. Not only should the company be debt-free…they should also be a private company. When a company goes public they have to answer to shareholders which can jeopardize them ethically, so I recommend that you choose a non-public, debt-free Network Marketing Company.

#5: Consider Company Culture

Different companies have different cultures. I’ve heard it all, from the toxic to the ultra-positive! What kind of community do you search for? What type of people do you like to surround yourself with? Consider the culture of acceptance, kindness and personal growth in a company.

Watch for these common pitfalls:

These are examples of what you DON’T want. Avoid all of the following:

  • A company that pushes the business opportunity instead of providing high-quality, life-changing products.
    Ask yourself this question: “Would I (and others) buy these products even if there was not an income connected to them?”
    If your answer is yes, then great - you found a real, desirable home-based business!

  • Avoid thinking that you will NOT have to work. It is a common pitfall to expect to “Get Rich Quick” and not have to do anything…but that’s actually a pitfall! When starting a home-based business, don’t thinking of it as a passive income. Instead, look for ways to make your income residual and long-lasting because of the work and care you do put into it up-front.

  • Thinking of your home-based business as Linear Income. The fact is, we have been taught to think that we are trading X amount of time for X amount of money. So when we don’t immediately get paid for our home-based business in the same way that we would in a 9-5 job, we panic and think we’re failing. But I am here to tell you that that is not the case! In a home-based business, you don’t get paid for X amount of time…you get paid for your skill and effort. Your results will be driven entirely from your productivity. Because of this, it can take a while before you see profits…but your income potential is basically limitless.

But… how do you make money in network marketing?

This is an excellent question. I know this can seem confusing but in my company this is how it works.

It's something like this...

I sell doTERRA essential oils to other people, right? Right... but that is not the real power of the compensation plan.

I make 20% of everything I sell but I make 3 - 7% of what everyone underneath me sells. 

So let’s say that I sell $3,000 worth of product this month and I make $600.

But I have a team of 30 people selling $3,000 a month each worth of product…that is better! Because then, I make $4,500 a month. 

I like $4,500 a month better than $3,000 a month. And so on, and so forth!

So it is in building a team that you are able to have multiple levels of compensation. Don't do this alone!

Specifically in doTERRA there are other bonuses and actually 5 more ways to earn income on top of what I already shared, and I have only shared 2.

Schedule a call with me if you want to learn more.

I hope this helps explain why Network Marketing is so wonderful…

I know it has changed my life! I love being able to travel, spend time with my girls, spontaneously go on date nights with my husband and be there for my friends. I have attended weddings, been there when my friends had babies and needed support…without ever having to ask for time off.

I want the same for you.

I want you to be aligned, paid, empowered, and FREE to live the life you want!

**Earnings are not guaranteed and results depend on the individual effort and skill level.

Review our income statement Here.

PLUS: Are you curious about starting a doTERRA business and how it works?

Click below to watch my free doTERRA Biz 101 class…

BusinessArin Fugate