6 Steps to Feng Shui your Workspace: with Expert Amanda Gibby Peters
The way my space makes me feel has a huge impact on my mental wellness, creativity and overall productivity.
As you'll hear about here in my Instagram Live interview with Amanda Gibby Peters, having 2 children under age of 4 makes for a very chaotic and messy house.
Incorporating Amanda’s simple Feng Shui tips has made all the difference in the way I feel in my home. My absolute favorite one is bringing fresh flowers into my home every week. I think you'll really enjoy reading this blog post that Amanda and I created to help you uplevel the energy in your home and especially in your workspace.
Amanda Gibby Peters is amazing and I am so grateful to feature her favorite Feng Shui tips here for you!
I can't wait to get her book! I just ordered “Simple Shui for Every Day: 365 Ways to Feng Shui Your Life”, Amanda’s newest book available on Amazon. You can purchase it Here.
If you get inspired after reading this post, reading her book or watching our IG interview post some before and after pictures of your workspace on social and tag us! (Amanda is @amandagibbypeters and I am on Instagram as @Jasmineandjuniperliving).
Meet Amanda Gibby Peters!
Amanda Gibby Peters
I was attracted to a few simple, thought-provoking words on her website, simpleshui.com: “Life imitates our living space.”
Amanda Gibby Peters is the voice and founder of Simple Shui – a modern-day, mission-driven, love-based practice of Feng Shui.
As a professional consultant and author, Amanda leads Feng Shui retreats and workshops; contributes her expertise to influencers, thought leaders and corporations; and consults clients around the world. Follow her on Instagram for tips and tricks to transform the energy of your working and living spaces.
Amanda’s perspective is that “Feng Shui triggers opportunities, enhances potential for success, and reconnects us with our own wisdom to influence positive change.”
Um, yes! I loved everything about that. So from Amanda’s wise mind to your home…here is the Feng Shui inspiration YOU need to create an innovative workspace…
Amanda: “Our surroundings are a sensory rich narrative of our lives, punctuated with details and belongings that hold our intentions in place. And because our life story intersects with our work world, creative spaces are equally worthy of mindful design. Consider what words first percolate when you ponder your work space. When we “match” our intentions with our environments, it springboards productivity and well-being – an excellent tonic for keeping our energy up.”
So, if your workspace could use a little TLC, here are a few Feng Shui tips from Amanda to guide you:
#1: Get Fresh.
Have you been working in the same space and the exact same spot for over a year? (who hasn't?)
It’s time to freshen it up.
Roll up your sleeves and take everything out of your work zone.
Wipe down the entire space. Your elbow-deep efforts of cleaning your shelves, vacuuming corners, and wiping down the baseboards will feel like coming out of a long hibernation. This quality of attention to any space jolts awake our senses and energy, priming us for a satisfying stretch into new territories!
#2: Leave open Space.
After you clean and purge your space, only bring back what is useful, necessary, and presently applicable in your space.
This is a ripe chance to recycle ruthlessly. Be mindful with every single thing; otherwise, standstill energy and attention vampires will hinge themselves right back into place.
Choose a couple places to leave empty – 20% open space is a good goal. When we allow room to breathe, this welcomes new possibilities. Think of something you’d like to see shift in your life – be specific – and watch how accommodating those opportunities become!
#3: Show up Fully.
Take time to consider the desk where you show up as a visionary.
A desk is a representation of how well we support our own success. If a desk is too small, it hampers our efficiency. When a desk is too large, it can make opportunities feel out of reach. Consider it a worthy transaction to find a desk that delights you. Remember, even necessity deserves to feel beautiful.
#4: Face your Life.
If your desk currently rests against the wall, does it ever feel like you ‘hit the wall’ on projects or opportunities?
In Feng Shui, the ideal placement for a desk is to face the doorway – a little off to the side instead of directly in front of the door.
However, this arrangement isn’t economical in all spaces. So, to mitigate any work roadblocks, an open landscape print on the facing wall of your desk can be very liberating. Not only does this bring in nature – a symbol of growth and nourishment – it provides plenty of room to embody and pursue all your big ideas!
#5: Mix with the Living.
Living energy is the yin to technology’s yang. Our interior worlds often consist of hard edges and straight lines. Mama nature has all the right curves – she’s supple with flowy lines, textured surfaces, and asymmetrical angles.
To soften our man-made interpretations of the environment, incorporate plants, fresh flowers, swirling prints, natural elements, and colors to bring balance into your surroundings. Because when your space feels vital, so will you.
Thank you, Amanda!
These 5 steps are so important. I picture every Visionary Leader seated at a desk that gives them joy, facing nature, feeling abundant and surrounded by only items that provoke creativity.
I would also like to add a 6th step.
The truth is, no workspace is complete without being able to control your focus, motivation, mood and productivity. So step #6 is all about mood balance…
Fresh flowers and essential oils make my home feel vibrant.
#6: Diffuse essential oils.
Having an essential oil diffuser at your desk is the ultimate mood lifter. If you have not yet used a diffuser, it is a small machine that vaporizes essential oils and water into your air.
Your focus will be much better if you use essential oils to clean the air and uplift the vibration of your office space! Trust me, my life would not be the same without this.
Clear the Clutter: The ultimate energy-clearing diffuser blend for your workspace
This blend was created by master essential oil blender Desiree Mangandog and it is VERY powerful. Add 1 drop each of the following doTERRA essential oils in your diffuser:
Douglas Fir
*Add 1 drop of Blue Tansy to help with procrastination
Click on the essential oils above to purchase them individually at Retail, or Click HERE to get 25% off by bundling them and becoming a doTERRA member.
You can add and subtract oils from your cart as desired. Feel free to email me at ariningraham@gmail.com for support.
Connect with Feng Shui expert Amanda Gibby Peters:
You can find her website HERE where you will be able to read more about her, book a Consult, or attend a Workshop.
Learn about the art of Feng Shui by following Amanda on Instagram, where she shares her thoughts about decluttering, honoring our selves and why, when her clients complain that they can’t find love, she first asks them to “describe their bedroom in detail”.
Purchase her book, “Simple Shui for Every Day”, by clicking HERE.