6 Tools for Recovery

Both of my parents were addicts and I promised myself I would never go down that path.

I smoked pot once when I was 17 and hated it.

I didn't even have a drink on my 21st birthday.

It's possible that I could've stayed this way if I did not experience any heartbreak in my life…but as you know, that's not how life goes.

Later, after a few bad breakups, going through domestic violence, and the onset of chronic pain way too early in life, I was drinking heavily and doing drugs.

It wasn’t what I had planned. And it wasn’t who I wanted to be. This lasted through most of my 20’s and into my 30’s.

I hit rock bottom in 2008.

I was…



Struggling through yet another failed relationship

Having digestive issues

Suffering from rashes all over my body

Dealing with exhaustion

Succumbing to terrible depression

and riddled with anxiety.

I decided right then and there that it was time for a change.

I started going to yoga class every day. That helped but I was still extremely depressed and lost. So I started seeing a Therapist. My Therapist suggested that I go on medication so she referred me to a Psychiatrist, who helped me to get started on antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds.

Fortunately for me, my doctor was also a meditation advocate. He actually wouldn't take me on as a client unless I had a regular meditation practice. It was right around this time that I got introduced to doTERRA essential oils and after attending a few workshops and reading a bunch of books, I had my “aha” moment realizing that the essential oils could be a key ingredient in my recovery. I brought my findings to my doctor and he approved my desire to wean myself off my medications.

Recovery is not a straight and narrow path.

It's very squiggly and unexpected, with ups and downs and challenges along the way. However, having aromatherapy, yoga, meditation and good nutrition by my side I've been able to navigate all the twist and turns.

Sometimes people ask me how I did it.

How did I go from deeply depressed to exuberant and joyful? How did I reclaim power over my mental health? How did I become drug-free and know how to make the intuitive choices that led me to where I am, years later, with a happy family?

Here are some of the best tools that I discovered on my journey…

1. Support

For starters, I recommend that you build a support system. This can look different for everyone! But for me, it meant getting into programs for emotional and mental support during my recovery journey. I also suggest that you see a Therapist.

Now, it’s really easy to feel some resistance when someone suggests that you go to Therapy.

Perhaps you have had a bad prior experience seeing a therapist…but I encourage you to seek out the right fit. It’s so common to have 1 terrible interaction and write it off. But hang in there! It’s vulnerable to tell someone your traumas and thoughts but it is well worth it. The happiest, most powerful, radiant, loving people take care of themselves and fill their cups. You too deserve to do this for yourself to become the best version of yourself that you can possibly be.

2. Nutrition

When you embark on a journey to healing, begin from the inside out.

Work on your nutrition and your gut health! So much of our mental wellness begins with seemingly small things…that turn out to make a massive impact.

Start by incorporating Omegas into your supplementation program. Explore Digestive enzymes because when we can properly digest our food, it can really improve our mental wellbeing. This is why I love the Lifelong Vitality Pack daily supplement pack from doTERRA as well as their Terrazyme (digestive enzyme) and PB assist (probiotic supplement).

3. Move your body.

Moving our body every day creates a ripple effect in every aspect of our lives. Many thought leaders, influencers, high-achieving athletes and creatives successfully manage their anxiety and history of depression by moving every single day. In fact most people who have recovered from addiction and pain will tell you:

Lose yourself in movement, just a little bit each day, and you will find strength you did not know you had.

In the beginning yoga was my favorite movement practice. Now I do Crossfit. This was really hard for me at first because I have so much discomfort in my body. I couldn't even walk a city block without being winded and in pain. But as I began to feed my body good nutrition, began taking my Lifelong Vitality Pack supplements and using essential oils to support a healthy inflammatory response, I was able to move more and more.

I can't even believe that today, not only can I run a mile, but I can lift heavy weights and go on long hikes with my young daughters and my husband! Be gentle and patient with yourself. It might take time, you might need support, and it will definitely teach you so much about your body and your mind.

4. Use essential oils every day!

I use essential oils to ground my energy, soothe my anxious thoughts, uplift my mood, deal with stressful situations, relax at night, and wake up in the morning. They are incredible tools for mood management.

Want to know which essential oils help me manage my anxious thoughts? I have 3 favorites to share!

Start with doTERRA Balance blend on the bottoms of your feet every day, Copaiba essential oil under your tongue (3 drops 3 times a day), and something like doTERRA Adaptiv blend in an essential oil diffuser.

Balance is an excellent starter oil because it is mild, woodsy, calming and perfectly gentle. I like to use Balance on the soles of my feet especially when I wake up in the morning, so that I can be the best version of myself.

Copaiba is so good when you’re feeling anxious. I first discovered the power of Copaiba when I had my eldest daughter Emma. As a new mom, I struggled hard with anxious thoughts. I loved her more than I ever thought possible - so naturally, my mind was constantly concocting scenarios of how things could go horribly wrong. Any time you find your mind racing with those what-if questions, use Copaiba!

Lastly, Adaptiv blend was designed with essential oils for relaxation and calm. This blend comes in multiple forms but if you do not have an essential oil diffuser, I suggest that you get one and Adaptiv blend for your diffuser. Add 5-7 drops into your diffuser when you’re feeling overwhelmed and out of sorts.

Click above to get doTERRA oils individually or Click the button below to become a doTERRA Wholesale member and receive your oils at 25% below retail cost. As a member you will also receive a personalized session with me and access to my thriving online community.

5. Detoxify and cleanse.

There are things that I do daily for gentle cleansing and then I also like to do a Quarterly cleanse.

Daily cleansing for me means using Citrus essential oils in my water, taking my Lifelong Vitality Pack supplements, eating lots of fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of water. If you’re new to using essential oils, using pure doTERRA Lemon essential oil in your water can help you cleanse your liver and kidneys! I also love Tangerine, Wild Orange and Grapefruit.

We also run an annual community cleanse with supplements and oils led by practitioners. If you'd like to be a part of it, please send me an email and I'll let you know when the next one is (or I can guide you through a private cleanse).

6. Surround yourself with a supportive and inspirational community.

Build a support system in the form of encouraging and thoughtful people. Often when we recover from addiction or hardship, we sever connections with those who are not serving our purpose. You might connect with them later on your recovery journey but in the meantime, you are walking a path to your own healing. Make sure to walk alongside those who have lived and experienced the kind of success you want!

Fill your life with people who remind you of who you want to be.

When I started my doTERRA business, I didn't realize how healing the people would be during my recovery journey. I went from hanging out with party people and drug users to hanging out with people who are consistently dedicated to personal development, health, wellness and abundance.

The company you keep has a huge impact on who you are and how you show up in the world. Click Here to learn about our beautiful Visionary Leaders community and check out our weekly Community Call.

I hope these tips and tools help you on your recovery path.

Join my thriving online essential oil Facebook Group to become part of the Jasmine & Juniper community.

Be sure to click below if you want my free webinar to help you set daily habits that actually work.